Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Bike 40 km, Run 21 km


I went for my highly anticipated ride on Sunday morning and had got through about 15k when I noticed my front tyre wasn't hard... I'd pumped it up the night before but it obviously had a puncture and was slowly going down as I rode. Not a problem this time I thought, I have a backup plan! Just need to get to a servo, fit my nifty convertor to the tyre and pump it up! (I didn't have enough time to replace the whole tube, and I figured if it had taken 8 hours and 15km to go down the first time, surely just a bit of air in it would get me home...) Except the first service station I got to had a solar powered air pump and there hadn't been enough sunlight yet!!! (what, do people only get flat tyres in the middle of the day?) So I asked where the next nearest service station was, and rode as carefully as possible (the tyre wasn't flat yet, just soft) Got there, pumped it up and was off again, except by this time I had wasted so much time and was already on a tight schedule to get the kms done in enough time to get to work that I had to abandon my proposed route and just head back to my suburb and cruise around for a while. So I ended up doing some loops around Carindale to boost up the kms before calling it a day.

Obviously having the convertor isn't enough and I'm going to have to pick up a little pump... (Lesson learned x 2)


I had planned to go for 30km on Monday but after about the first 12 I really just wasn't feeling it. My shoes were feeling really "flat" and I was just feeling off so I pushed as a hard as a could for the next 8km and then finished with some Rocky-esque stair repeats. My shoes have been feeling a bit tired all week and as a result the soles of my feet were starting to feel sore at the end of runs, but this was the first time I've been for a long continuous run since that feeling started. When I got home and realised that I had just done my 600th kilometres in my shoes (and it's been 10 months since I got them) it became clear that it was time for new ones!

So in all my weekend training was messy but good. My ride, while not as long as I'd hoped meant I ended up doing some fast intervals around my local streets which is something I haven't done much of before and felt really good. My run, while not great, showed me that I clearly need new shoes, which is something that despite budgetary considerations I just can't avoid, so I'm going to head over to InTraining today and just grin and bear it!

Another positive is that my bike computer arrived on Monday afternoon so I'm off to pick it up from the post office today!


Blogger Tesso said...

I'm worn out just thinking about what you've been up to over the past couple of days.

Good luck with the new shoes.

9:40 am  
Blogger Wobbly man said...

New toys! Yeah! What is this nifty pump converter thing you have?

7:13 am  

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