Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Cold, wet, tired, sore, lonely - ecstatic - I'm a runner again.

I hadn't done anything for just over a week because of exams and a sore leg, (just above and to the outside of the knee - I think it's ITB - more on that below) so this evening I was sitting in front of the TV when I got that horrible totally bored/restless feeling (so bored I was watching McLeods Daughters!!!). I had written off the day for running because I had work early and it was too dark/wet by the time I got home but I decided to just go and give it a try and see what happened. Lo and behold I ran a slow five km (25 mins) in light rain and pitch dark (it was 8pm) just around the streets where I live and while I certainly wasn't setting any PBs I was well and truly running again!

So, the plan at this stage then is to just to take it easy at Gold Coast 1/2 M and aim for 1:50 and then take a month off running and just cycle and see if I can heal up what I think might be ITB...

I think it's ITB (illiotibial band syndrome) because it's fine when I walk but when I run it hurts quite a bit for the first 3 or 4 minutes and then is just a dull sore pain for the rest of the outing. It hurts more on hills. and subsides pretty quickly when I stop. It responds well to ice and lying down with a tennis ball under the sore area and then putting my weight onto it... I know I should see the physio but I just haven't had the time!

Also, must remember to add cheesy tuna mornay to the list of things that it isn't good to run after eating.


Blogger miners said...

great to see you back mate - although that's seriously ordinary news about the knee. Can't really help you with that as I've never experienced it before. Can't help you with the ending of McLeod's Daughters either I'm afraid ...

9:45 pm  
Blogger Tesso said...

Oh no Owen, I hate welcoming people to the ITB club. Hopefully you'll get on top of things and we'll have to boot you out real soon.

I've found my ITB roller to be a worthwhile investment. It was $18 from the physio and its much easier to use than a tennis ball, hurts just as much though.

Oh, and McLeods Daughters, that is sad! Now if was Bold And The Beautiful .... :-)

9:56 am  

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